[ Best Youtube & Comments ] YouTube Shooting: Woman Identified As Nasim Aghdam, 39, Suspected Of Wounding 3
YouTube Shooting: Woman Identified As Nasim Aghdam, 39, Suspected Of Wounding 3
* Comments.
- I hope the victims recover fully.
- She crazy as hell...
- Zero kills...
- Kendall Jenner done went rogue.
- Nah her content was just trash
- She look like Michael Jackson
- They trend a shooting on them lmao
- all SJW's are mentally ill suckers
- This reminds me of Black Mirror
- Wait? Its not the guns fault this time?
- dude wtf she looks like a humanoid
- she looked like a alien....hmmmm
- When you demonetize the wrong youtuber.
- Absolute madlad
- Why is this on trending
- Wow the world gets crazier by the day
- False Flag
- towel heads at it again
- Michael Jackson???? On the thumbnail
- #Dontshowthename
- Michael Jackson was alive
- She should have shot Logan Paul instead
- Her neck is a giraffe.
- She looks like a sim
- That’s a feminist for ya
- good job nasim
- She's from the middle east, not so cal
- And now she’s famous.
- She got views now. 😂
- Gun control?
- I bet this video got demonetized lol
- Hmm she was a qt
- They took down her channel
- She was an immigrant from iran
- /ourgoddess/ gozer the gozerian
- Invade iran already
- Brooo this is scary
- So it's not the guns fault this time?
- Yea she was weird af.
- AGH, damn.
- Amk ya bu kadin psikopat
- i guess she got views to her channel now
- Well she got YouTube famous after all...
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